Chilli-Cheese Nachos!

Did you know we make authentic style Chili-Cheese Nachos at SmallFry’s? We start with crispy Tostito corn chips then add a layer of real cheddar cheese and put it in the oven to melt. The melted cheese protects the corn chips from getting soggy when the wet ingredients are put on top. Next we add the chili, chopped onions and tomatoes, another layer of cheddar cheese and finally the pickled jalapeno peppers. Back in the oven under the broiler until the cheese is bubbling and the edges of the corn chips are lightly toasted. We serve it directly from the oven while it is still very hot. Served with a couple ice cold beers and your cravings are sure to be satisfied.

It’s worth the drive to San Isidro, Calatrava. 🙂